Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Camrose Composite High School: Senior Opportunity class
Four extra words: Biking, happy, train show, swimming
You can read the whole story at http://www.munschabunch-story.blogspot.com/
Don't forget to Donate - it's still not to late.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Final Two Chapters of the Project Story
It's still not to late to donate.
David also sent me the last few chapters of the Project Story. It is posted at
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Explaination for Number 9
Check out the next chapter of our story at http://www.munschabunch-story.blogspot.com/
Sheralyn's Top Ten
I don't get number 9... I'll find out and explaine later.
10. It’s better to have a broken arm than a broken head. Wear a helmet!
9. Those who consider the possibility that the plumbing is hooked up backwards will undoubtedly have a more comfortable shower.
8. Hair dryers are a multi-purpose appliance that no camping trip should be without.
7. When you are in a bad way, there are usually enough empathetic souls around to get you back on track, unless you are a big guy hobbling down the road with a flat tire.
6. The probability of cycling fast enough to outrun a large mean dog is inversely proportionate to the width of your tires.
5. Real campers CAN use recipes.
4. Cycling on narrow shoulders in 40 km/h cross wind is best left to fools.
3. “Where’s Waldo” is much more enjoyable as a book than as a real-life exercise.
2. Road grit from passing motorists on a rainy day is not a recommended source of dietary fiber.
1. If a tree falls in the forest…. You CAN hear it.
Friday, September 11, 2009
2009-09-11-Home Safe in Camrose - Sparling School
2009-09-11 - Ministik School and Another Story Chapter
Thursday, September 10, 2009
2009-09-10 - Westlock Update! and New Chapter for our Story.
I spoke with Helen today! She is OK and not in pain, but she suspects that her arm is BROKEN! She has an appointment in Camrose just after they are scheduled to arrive back in at Sparling School tomorrow. Helen even rode 4km today, and hopes to do a bit more tomorrow. What a trooper!
There is a new update to the Story! Click Here!! Chapter 4, from McLennan. The four words are Marvellous, Awesome, Cool, and Spectacular! You have to read it to believe it.
The team is on schedule. They enjoyed their presentation at the Westlock Elementary School, and are now heading for Sherwood Park. Today is cool with some light showers, but nothing compared to the first part of the trip!! They are all looking forward to getting Sparling School tomorrow afternoon.
Please come out to cheer the team home. They expect to be at Sparling School around 2:30pm.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
2009-09-09-Major Update! - Westlock
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
2009-09-08 - McLennan and Slave Lake
This year, we are trying something new. At each school that we visit on the tour, we ask the students for four words. Each day, we create one chapter of the story using the four words from that school or community group. The story is posted on a 'Sister Blogsite';
Each chapter will have the four words in bold font. We may not be able to post a chapter every day, because we don't always have access to the internet along the way. Please be patient, we will post the chapters as soon as we can. The first three chapters are now on the site.
Our story does not yet have a title, if you have any ideas, please either leave a comment or email us at info@miles4literacy.com.
Please remember to support our local Literacy Programs. You can download a donation form at http://www.miles4literacy.com/donate.html.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
2009-09-06 - Fox Creek - Fairview
Friday, Sheralyn and Alan rode from Drayton Valley to Whitecourt alone, while David and Helen drove to Edmonton for repairs to their van and bikes. The van window will take a week, so they will have a cardboard and duck tape window for the rest of the trip. Helen's bike was repaired, but David needed a new one. They also purchased a new carrier for their bike. Everyone met in Whitecourt Friday Night.
Saturday, they all made a presentation to the Indoor Playground Society in Fox Creek. The society had arranged for parents and children (age birth to 8) to be in attendance. The parents and children all participated in the readings. It was a lot of fun. The photos were taken by Brandi Bedson, who is the photographer and reporter for the Fox Creek TIMES, http://www.foxcreektimes.ca/. Apparently David took some photos, but his camera is not digital - and he didn't have any film in it... :<(. Brandi graciously volunteered her photos. Thanks Brandi for the great photos!
By tonight, the team hopes have cycled the distance between Fairview and Valleyview. (The teams are riding from each end and will meet in the middle sometime late today). The weather is not cooperating, and when I spoke with Sheralyn around 11:00 this morning, it was pouring rain! It has certainly been an interesting trip so far......
Monday, the team hopes to make it to McLennan.
More tomorrow (I hope!).
Friday, September 4, 2009
2009-09-04-Update from Drayton Valley
Another Poster from St. Patrick School in Camrose
Don't forget to Donate!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
2009-09-03-Campground Trouble!
A quick note. Too much excitement tonight! We are camped near Drayton Valley. A storm hit, and the wind blew down a tree which took out a window in one of our vans.
2009-09-03-Departure from Saint Patrick School and Camrose!
David is really happy about the van graphics provided by Windwood!
We arrived at Saint Patrick school around 9:00 to set up. Shortly after, the gym filled with enthusiastic kids. What a wonderful crowd!!!
First David talked about the trip and where the team had been in previous years. Have you ever ridden your bike to Winnipeg?
Next we read a Story....
ZOOM! by Robert Munsch!
Lauretta's wheel chair just isn't fast enough.....
Mom and Dad say - it's just too fast!
No way - What speeding ticket???!!!
That wheelchair just isn't fast enough!
After the play - we read a poem!
Finally - we are ready to go!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
2009-08-27-Kick off Party at Merchants!
Sheralyn is not sure she likes David's dad - THE GIANT!
It's pretty good to have a Giant as a friend!
They all turn out to be pretty good friends!
Mrs. Ford read her poem
"If you Give a Baby a Book"
If you give a baby a storybook, they will want to open it up.
And when they open it up, they will want to see the pictures.
An when they see the pictures, they will want to turn the page.
And when they turn the page, they will want to hear the story.
And when you help them with the story, they will want to hear it again and again.
And someday they will grow up, and read to a baby - just like someone read to them.
And that is what early Literacy is all about......
To top off the evening, Mrs. Hamblin read the Munsch Book, "Love you Forever"
Don't miss our departure from St. Pat's School on Wednesday morning, September 3, 2009 at 9:00!!
Departure 9:30 ish...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
2009-08-19 Training run to Edberg and back!